Funny Obama Workout Imgur Funny Obama Workout Gif Imgur

Presidential Legacy

President Brobama

Racism is still alive in america...

Obama and Canadian PM Justin Trudeau

Thanks Obama

We're gonna miss this dude.

MRW President Obama says "When you threaten America, you will find no safe haven."

A picture of Obama playing ping pong started a photoshop battle on the internet..

Obama and Thailand's prime minister


Sassy Obama


Obama's sass level +10000

Obama releases birth video! You won't believe what happened next!

this is always funny

Found this at the dollar store

7 long years as president

Good morning

Obama burn

How I Picture USA's Reaction to ISIS Threatening Canada

President Obama just got real at the White House Correspondents' Dinner

Classic Obama Humor


Obama and the prime minister of Thailand

Morgan Freeman showing Oprah he's not Samuel L. Jackson.

In 1995, I took a photo with my law professor at University of Chicago. Who knew he'd go on to greater ventures...

Alternative Facts strike again

Obama on the Oregon shooting


This man is an American hero and patriot. Today we salute him.

Being black in China

Barack Obama Heartwarming Dump

When she doesn't send nudes.

It will take some really big shoes to replace you

Obama looks like Pharrell's dad dropping him off for Prom.

He just did it right there in front of everyone.

he's nailed it

The Twitter trend '#ObamaAndKids' is the greatest thing I've ever seen on the internet

John Green asks Obama for help

Your uncle was right! Proof that Obama is trying to make everyone gay.



You may not agree with his choices as president but you have to admit it will be hard to get this much charisma back into The White House

Eat it, Mills!

Wow, okay, cool

Obama and gay jokes

Keeping your mind distracted


Join attack

My friend went to the White House yesterday and this was Barack Obama's reaction to a gift of his first legal Cuban cigar

Obama took the midnight train

Still true

Greater achievement?

Obama on Islamophobia, ISIS, and Muslims

Once you've gone..

Page Nine, Pandemic Playbook

Saw this on facebook

Obama Face.

Thin Privilege

MRW I'm trying to kick a couple out of the coffee shop for being absurdly drunk today at 5 pm, and the lady says, "But we're Christian!"


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